20 Tips and Tricks to Save money!!
Hello everyone! Do you find problems in saving money?? You don't really understand where all your money is spent?? Then I have a solution to this problem. So lets quickly get started! Following are the tips and tricks that will help you save money! 1. First of all you need to divide your income into four parts- Current Expenses, Short Term Savings, Long Term Savings and Emergency. Whatever be the amount that you make, these are basic parts in which, I think, you should divide it. You can divide it in a ratio that you find suitable according to your choice. But you have to make sure that at least 50% of your income goes to savings unless you have some really big things to pay like home loan installments. Then it will differ obviously. 2. Start from calculating your expenses. You can definitely calculate roughly how much money are you going to need in a month. Include all your expenses in your calculation, your rent, bills, some shopping, food, etc ...